本网站(以下简称“本网站”)由SEKISUI化学株式会社运营.有限公司. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") or its agent. Before using this Site, please read the following thoroughly and agree to abide by it.
Other websites operated by the Company and its affiliates are linked to this Site. Please be aware that when using these websites, you must also agree to the terms of use, which also includes a website policy published within the site. Please note that the following contents may change without notice.
Prohibited acts when using this Site
The following acts are prohibited when using this Site.
- 1侵犯或可能侵犯第三方或本公司资产或隐私的行为
(例如,使用或提供计算机病毒或其他类型的有害计算机程序) - 2恶意行为,如篡改本网站或将本网站变成跳转服务器
- 3making a false declaration or notification, 例如, registering an e-mail address that belongs to another person
- 4an act that damages the reputation or credibility of the Company or a third party
- 5other acts that breach or may breach laws, ordinances or regulations
- 6other acts that the Company deems to be inappropriate
信息 provided by the Company (例如, 文档, 照片, illustrations and videos; hereinafter referred to as "Content") is protected by the copyright laws, treaties and other laws of each country. 复制、转移等. of the Content without permission is prohibited.
客户将本网站的内容下载到个人电脑将被视为《十大赌博娱乐平台》承认的“私人复制”行为. 但是,下载的内容仅限客户或其家庭成员使用. Even if it was the customer who has downloaded the Content, allowing a third party (例如, (公司)使用内容, irrespective of whether it is used for commercial purposes, is prohibited as being outside the range of use. The Company does not grant customers a right to use copyrights, 专利权, trademark rights and other intellectual property rights relating to the Content.
商品名称, 商标注册, 公司的标志和标志, its affiliates and third parties displayed on this Site (例如, “SEKISUI”, “SEKISUI海姆”, “两个u回家”, “ESLON”等. )受到《娱乐大发澳门赌博平台》、《十大赌博娱乐平台》、《十大赌博娱乐平台》等法律的保护. 这些商品名称, 商标注册, 没有这些权利持有人的明确许可,徽标不能被使用.
- 1To persons who want to link to this Site
你可以 freely link to this Site directly on any of its pages, provided that you comply with the restrictions on use. You are not required to contact us when you link to this Site.
您链接到本网站的网址或内容可能会更改而无需事先通知(例如, when the configuration of this Site changes). 因此, 不保证您链接到本网站的URL将永久存在,也不保证链接中的内容将以链接到本网站的人所希望的方式保存. - 2To persons who browse this Site
与本公司网站链接以外的第三方网站(以下简称“链接网站”)的内容不受本公司控制. 本公司对链接网站的内容所造成的任何损害或因使用该等链接网站而造成的损害概不负责.
本网站的链接存在并不意味着本公司认可使用链接网站, 或者任何产物, 服务或公司等. 由链接网站描述,或本公司与链接网站有特殊关系.
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This Site uses JavaScript to increase convenience and ease of use. If JavaScript is not enabled in your browser settings, the Site may not function properly or display Content correctly.
本网站使用安全套接字层(SSL)/传输层安全(TLS)加密通信来保护您的个人信息. 以这种方式, your personal information is encrypted when you send or receive such information, so you can use this Site with confidence.
If you are using a browser that does not support SSL / TLS, you may not be able to access this Site or enter information on this Site.
饼干s是由服务器发送的与本网站运行有关的小块信息. 饼干s are generated and are stored temporarily on customers' personal computers, 移动终端等.
This Site uses cookies mainly for the following purposes.
- So that we can provide the optimum display of this Site for every customer, and enable more convenient browsing of this Site
- 以便十大赌博娱乐平台从统计上了解本网站的浏览活动,以改进本网站
你可以, 然而, depending on your browser settings, refuse to receive cookies or receive a warning when cookies are received. 即使在这些情况下, there are no major obstacles to viewing this Site, but there may be restrictions on the use of various services on the Internet.
Your personal information is not collected using cookies.
For the purpose of improving services for customers, 通过本网站获得的信息将与十大赌博娱乐平台所拥有的客户个人信息结合使用. In such cases, the use of personal information will be limited to within the scope of 使用目的, and only as far as necessary for the implementation of our businesses.
We are very careful when posting information on this Site. 然而, we cannot guarantee that there will not be an interruption in functionality, 这样就不会出现错误, that any defects will be fixed, 或本网站或伺服器内没有电脑病毒及其他有害资料等.,十大赌博娱乐平台对本网站上的文件及其内容不作任何保证. 在不太可能的情况下,由于使用信息而对客户造成损害, or not being able to use information or this Site, the Company shall not be liable in any way. Please acknowledge this before using this Site.
信息 on this Site may be changed without notice. Operation of this Site may also be suspended or discontinued. Please acknowledge this before using this Site.
“社交媒体”是指所有允许个人或组织通过互联网进行互动交流的外部平台服务. 该公司主要使用Facebook和Twitter等社交网络服务以及YouTube等视频分享网站.
使公司提高客户便利程度,加深客户对公司的了解, the Company will send information but will not, 作为一般原则, reply when disseminating information through the social media site.
并非十大赌博娱乐平台社交媒体网站上传递的所有信息都代表十大赌博娱乐平台的官方公告和观点. 信息 on official announcements is provided on this Site and in press releases.
- 对于使用公司社交媒体信息的任何行为,公司概不承担任何责任.
- 对于回复、转发、评论等,本公司不承担任何责任. for the Company's social media posted by customers.
- 客户之间或客户与第三方之间因公司社交媒体而产生的问题或争议,公司概不承担任何责任.
- 本网站上发表的评论的版权属于发表评论的客户. 然而, 通过发表评论, 因此,客户已授予本公司免费且非排他性地使用所发布内容的权利. 除了, 应假定客户已同意不对本公司强制执行版权.