High Performance Plastics Company
Realizing Smart 流动性 and Smart Communication
We supply products such as fine particles, 密封剂和粘合剂, 以及具有导电和绝缘功能的胶带和薄膜, 热管理, 差距的形成, 以及用于各种类型显示器的缓冲和保护, 电气设备, 通信设备, 电路板, 和半导体.
- 功能性泡沫胶带
- 导电胶带
- Highly clear double-faced tape
- 缓冲材料
- High-adhesion, UV releasable tape
Substrates and Mounting 材料
- 放热产品
- Anisotropic conductive paste (Epowell AP)
Microsphere (Fine particles)
- Gap control spacers(Micropearl SP, GS)
- Plastic core conductive particles(Micropearl AU)
- UV curable adhesive(Photolec)
- Homogeneous Microsphere Synthesis
- 高精度控制和微球的小变化,有助于液晶显示器(lcd)更高的清晰度和更小.
- Microsphere Surface Functionalization
- 金属镀层均匀地形成在直径均匀的细树脂颗粒上. 除了, 颗粒的硬度和弹性可通过树脂芯设计来配置.
- 光敏材料
- 十大赌博娱乐平台使用独特的光敏材料技术开发出高耐热性的强胶粘剂. 除紫外线固化胶粘剂外,紫外线照射后在一定时间内粘附, we also have a variety of other products for different uses, 如UV密封剂.
- 聚乙烯醇丁醛树脂
- Using our unique technologies, 十大赌博娱乐平台以聚乙烯醇丁醛(PVB)树脂为核心,开发适用于各种粘结剂和底漆的聚乙烯醇缩醛树脂产品.
- 环氧树脂
- 十大赌博娱乐平台开发了自己的环氧树脂,用于需要高耐热性和可靠性的粘合剂应用, such as for semiconductors and electronic components.
- High-Adhesive and Easy-Peelable Material
- 该技术生产的粘合剂在使用时具有很强的粘合性能, yet can easily be peeled off using triggers such as light or heat.
- 胶料设计
- Using our unique adhesive design technologies, 十大赌博娱乐平台实现了显示用途所需的高透明度和可靠的附着力(耐热和防潮), such as optical films and cover panels.
- High-Precision 多层挤出
- Using our multi-layer co-extrusion production method, 十大赌博娱乐平台减少了胶粘剂的沉积,可以在不留下污渍的情况下将胶粘剂涂在粘附物上. Using variations of substrates and adhesives, they can be applied to optical films of different surface forms, such as matt surfaces and prism surfaces.
- Thin Film Depsition by Sputtering
- 这是一种使用高精度溅射器连续沉积无机性能薄膜的技术. 除了 to transparent conductive films, the use of this technology is also spreading to other uses, such as heat reflection and electromagnetic wave shielding.
- High Performance Plastics Company
- High Performance Plastics Company Core website
- 电子产品 Field Portal Site
- 电子产品 field products general information
- Semiconductor Related Material Portal Site
- 精细各种材料的芯片,基板,以及PCB和FPC的制造工艺
- 精细化工
- 液晶隔离剂、导电细粒、UV封胶剂、各向异性导电浆料
- 器件材料部
- 双面胶带, 上映电影, 光掩膜保护膜, 光学保护膜,功能性泡沫胶带
- 特种化学品
- 丁醛树脂,耐热氯乙烯树脂,功能颗粒
- 泡沫
- 超薄高性能用于IT(XLIM),泡沫树脂用于电子元件
- Nano metal coating technology
除夹层膜等产品适用于夹层玻璃, foams for automobile interior parts, 模制制品和胶带, 十大赌博娱乐平台为电动和自动驾驶设备提供放热材料和电磁波保护材料. 十大赌博娱乐平台还提供飞机和无人机的内部和外部部件, carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) mold materials, and thermo plastic sheets used in aircraft interiors, 等.
Automotive (Car 电子产品)
- Heat release materials for EV batteries
- 功能性泡沫胶带
- Highly clear double-faced tape
- Gap control spacers(Micropearl SP, GS)
- Plastic core conductive particles(Micropearl AU)
- Plastic core solder balls(Micropearl SOL)
- Watertight sealing material(EXSEAL)
- Molded parts for vehicle exteriors
- 夹层的电影 for laminated glass(S-LEC film)
- 隔音 interlayer film
- Solar control interlayer film
- 隔音/solar control interlayer film
- 夹层的电影 for head-up display
- 夹层的电影 for laminated glass(S-LEC film)
- 聚烯烃泡沫
- 采用高倍率泡沫成型技术制造的产品
- Low-odor, low-VOC double-sided tape
CFRP is a composite material that combines carbon fiber and resin. Due to its light weight 和耐用性, 它在机身上的使用有望减少飞行所需的燃料量, 以及二氧化碳的排放.
We are developing our thermo plastic sheets business globally, mainly in the United States, for use as interior materials for aircraft and automobiles, housing materials for advanced medical equipment, 汽车、工程机械外饰材料.
- 胶料设计 (Low VOC)
- 十大赌博娱乐平台的粘合剂技术抑制挥发性有机化合物和气味,减少对环境和人类的影响. 十大赌博娱乐平台不使用卫生部指定的13种物质中的任何一种, Labour and Welfare to be harmful to the human body.
- Themoexpandable Microsphere
- Thermoexpandable microspheres, with independent air bubbles, 具有通过颗粒选择控制气泡大小的优良特性.
- 多层挤出
- 该技术通过使用不同的材料制作多层模制薄膜,增加了多种功能.
- High-Magnification 泡沫ing
- This is a high-magnification foaming technology, 超薄聚丙烯树脂是注塑成型的,通过树脂内的气体压力膨胀到其厚度的两倍以上.
- High Performance Plastics Company
- High Performance Plastics Company Core website
- 流动性 Business Strategy Department
- 流动性 products general information
- S-LEC电影
- 夹层的电影s for automotive laminated glass
- 泡沫
- 用于汽车内外饰件的发泡材料
- 功能磁带划分
- 内饰件固定用双面胶带,低气味、超低voc双面胶带
- 特种化学品
- Functional resins and particles, Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) resin
- Sekisui polymatech公司.有限公司.
- 采购产品塑料,橡胶和化学产品,以及电动汽车电池的放热材料
- 飞机和无人机用碳纤维增强复合模制品
- Sekisui kydex, LLC.
- 功能塑料片材 "KYDEX® ”和“艾伦®"
We supply products created from cutting-edge technologies, 比如粘合剂, 包装胶带, 以及日常生活和整个社会使用的塑料容器.
从住宅到餐厅和酒店,这些都有助于创造具有日本风格的空间. Using sophisticated plastics processing technology, 软绒的感觉和吸湿性得到保持,同时实现高功能,如耐用性, 安全, and a rich blend of colors. The mats are resistant to mites and mold, and can be used by people with allergies with peace of mind.
It is widely used in the fields of construction, 土木工程, 汽车内饰, and industrial materials for its light weight, 隔热, 缓冲, 可塑性, 不渗透性, 和耐用性, 其他特性. 在日常生活中,它作为绝缘材料对节约能源特别有用, 防水, 以及建筑设备和室内外应用的防冷凝材料.
This adhesive is a plastic resin that adheres instantly. It is solid at room temperature but becomes a liquid when heated. It is applied in liquid form. 它在压力连接后迅速冷却几秒钟,使其具有粘合剂的功能.
Anti-allergenic processing agent, anti-viral processing agent.
- High Performance Plastics Company
- High Performance Plastics Company Core website
- 包装胶带
- 包装胶带 and equipment
- 泡沫
- 房屋及建筑用发泡材料及隔音材料
- 压电式传感器
- Introducing the revolutionary new piezoelectric device
- 粘合剂 / Sealing materials
- Sekisui seikei公司.有限公司.
- 塑料榻榻米